
Showing posts with the label bumps

Razor Bumps Men

It is estimated that up to 80 of African American men suffer from razor bumps at some point during their lives. Razor bumps also called Pseudofollicultis Barbae can occur in any area that hair. How To Get Rid Of Razor Bumps Ingrown Hair Fast Face Body Bikini Ingrown Hair Razor Bumps Razor Bumps Bikini Keep in mind all these tips. Razor bumps men . Improper shaving technique coupled with bad razors causes razor bumps to show up shortly after shaving. They come and go but I have never took the time to really treat them how I need to so that the. What Are Razor Bumps. The vast majority of men inflicted with razor bumps are African American. Many men end up with razor bumps on their necks due to the way they shave. This is especially common on the neck but can occur anywhere on the face that you shave. Razor bumps are more than just an annoyance. Witch hazel is also another effective remedy on how to get rid of shaving bumps in the pubic area. Soak the cotton ball int