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How To Treat Callus

The first recommendation to diminish the appearance of writers callus is soaking and exfoliation. The following symptoms can indicate that there is a callus. Corns And Calluses Treatment Santa Maria Podiatry Clinic Then use a pumice stone to file away the layers of dead skin. How to treat callus . Soak the callus nightly. Soak corns and calluses in warm water to soften them. You can also use pumice stones or metal files to trim down the callus. Vaseline helps lock all that in so it stays within in the skin Apply it to a callus immediately after bathing then cover the area with plastic wrap overnight to seal in moisture and nix rough skin. Reduction of callus to relieve yourself from the pain. Symptoms of Callus on Foot. Moisturise to help keep skin soft. Wear thick cushioned socks. Use circular or sideways motions to remove dead skin. Share on Pinterest Adding Epsom salts to a bath of warm water can help treat calluses. This treatment is most effective af